Video: Not the Science Type

The short documentary (30 minutes) video Not the Science Type -created by 3M- features stories of four female scientists. The video shares their experiences with science education and their perceived ability to understand scientific concepts. The video emphasizes the idea that anyone can be interested in science and the stories intentionally confront stereotypes and biases. It highlights the importance of promoting a more inclusive and accessible approach to science education that highlights different ways of thinking and a diversity of backgrounds. The documentary also shows the ways in which the scientists’ work intersects with everyday life and emphasizes the importance of curiosity and a willingness to ask questions. Overall, the video serves as a call to action to promote scientific literacy and encourage more people to challenge the status quo and to engage with science and technology.

3M has a page on Not the Science Type HERE where you can watch the full video, see a snapshot of the four featured scientists, and access a Discussion Guide about each scientist’s story.

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I’m Kirk

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