Equity & Diversity Resources

Here are a few resources that have been key in my personal journey as a white male looking to become more culturally aware, equity-focused, and action oriented. I will keep adding to this list. I’m aware that many excellent resources are currently not included. I’m not trying to make an exhaustive list- but instead provide a ‘playlist’ of the resources that I’ve used personally.

Resource TitleOverviewAuthorLink
Culturally Responsive Teaching & The BrainTHE book on culturally responsive teaching. Provides tools and strategies to dig into CRT. Clear discussion of how a lack of CRT affects students.Zaretta HammondClick HERE
Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good PeopleDescribes the Project Implicit implicit association tests. Discusses how we all have unconscious bias and how they may affect us. Makes the case that we must confront and think about these “mindbugs”.Mahzarin R. Banaji

Anthony Greenwald

Click HERE
For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood…and the Rest of Y’all TooProvides stories, a framework, and strategies for effectively teaching urban students of color.Christopher EmdinClick HERE

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I’m Kirk

Welcome to Science for All. This is a site where I share some of my favorite science and STEM education resources. I’ll also write the occasional personal post or opinion about education in general. I hope you enjoy your time here and that you always leave with something helpful.

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